6 Best Compound Interest Investments to Supercharge Your Wealth

6 min read
Adam Koprucki
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Jeremy Flint Bio Image
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Interested in making the most for your money? Below are the 7 best compound interest investments for your wallet.

Understanding Compound Interest

What is compound Interest?

Compound interest is the interest calculated on the initial principal, including all of the accumulated interest from previous periods on a deposit or loan.

The effect of compound interest depends on the compounding frequency; the higher the number of compounding periods, the greater the compound interest. So, not only do you earn interest on your initial investment, but you also earn interest on the interest.

Compound Interest vs. Simple Interest

Simple interest is calculated only on the initial amount (principal) that you invested or loaned, while compound interest is calculated on the initial principal and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods.

Compound interest can thus be considered as “interest on interest,” it will make a sum grow faster than simple interest, which is calculated only on the principal amount.

The Rule of 72: Essential to Understanding Compound Interest

The Rule of 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment will take to double, given a fixed annual rate of interest. You divide 72 by the interest rate to get the years it will take for your investment to double.

It’s a handy tool to gauge the future value of an investment quickly.

The Power of Time in Compound Interest

The impact of time on compound interest:

Time plays a crucial role in the power of compound interest. The longer you allow your investment to grow and compound, the more substantial the end result. With each passing year, you earn interest not just on your initial principal but also on the interest accrued in all previous years.

Importance of starting early:

Starting early gives your money more time to grow through compounding. Even small amounts, if given enough time, can grow substantially. It’s never too soon to start investing.

Case study: Early starters vs. late starters in compound interest investments:

Suppose Person A starts investing $1000 a year at age 25 and stops at age 35, while Person B starts investing $1000 a year at age 35 and continues until age 65. Despite investing the same total amount, Person A, the early starter, will have significantly more at age 65 due to the additional years of compound interest. This illustrates the power of starting early and letting compound interest do its magic.

How to Take Advantage of Compound Interest

Regular investments: The key to growing wealth

The more regularly you invest, the more you’ll benefit from compound interest. Making consistent contributions to your investment account allows the compound interest to build on not just your initial principal amount but also the interest you’ve already earned. This continuous cycle of earning interest on interest can significantly grow your wealth over time. It’s not just about how much you invest, but also how regularly you do so.

The effect of compounding frequency

The frequency of compounding also plays a critical role in the growth of your investment. The more frequently interest is compounded, the more you earn. For example, an account that compounds interest daily will yield more than an account that compounds annually, even if the interest rate is the same. Look for investment opportunities where interest is compounded more frequently to maximize your returns.

Balancing Risk and Reward

While it’s important to take advantage of the power of compound interest, it’s also crucial to balance this with the associated risks. Investments with potentially higher returns (and thus higher compound interest) often come with higher risk. Understand your risk tolerance, diversify your investments, and consider seeking advice from a financial advisor to find the best strategies for you. Remember, compound interest can work wonders over time, but it requires a smart and balanced investment strategy.

Best Compound Interest Investments

Below are the 7 best compound interest investments to help your retirement and investment portfolio grow.

1. High-Yield Savings Accounts

High-yield savings accounts are fantastic compound interest investments because they offer a higher interest rate than traditional savings accounts, allowing your money to grow at a faster pace. They are secure (often insured up to a certain limit by FDIC insurance), and can be opened and maintained with minimal effort.

Good For: This type of account is suitable for individuals who want a low-risk, accessible place to store and grow their funds, like for an emergency fund or short-term financial goals.

Average Interest Rate: 4.0% – 4.50%

Minimum Deposit: $1

Where to open a High Yield Savings Account:

  • HMBradley
  • Marcus by Goldman Sachs
  • Credit Unions

PRO TIP: Check the FDIC website to ensure your deposits are FDIC insured.

2. Certificate of Deposits (CDs)

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are another great compound interest investment. Because CDs are time-bound deposit accounts provided by banks with a fixed, they often have an interest rate higher than a high-yield savings account. And, in general, the longer the term of the CD, the higher the interest rate.

Good For: CDs are ideal for those with low-risk tolerance and who can afford to lock away funds for a specified period without needing to access them.

Average Yield: Up to 5.30%

Minimum Deposit: $500

Where to open a Certificate of Deposit:

  • Online banks
  • Credit Unions
  • Brokerage Firms

3. Bonds

Bonds are another great compound interest investment because they provide stable income, with issuers agreeing to pay you interest at a fixed rate over time, offering opportunities for interest to compound when reinvested.

In addition, bonds are generally lower risk than stocks, making them suitable for conservative investors seeking steady growth.

The regular income from bond interest can be reinvested back into more bonds, magnifying the effect of compound interest.

Good For: Bonds are suitable for conservative investors seeking a predictable income stream and want to preserve their capital.

Minimum Investment: 1 Share

Average Yield: 8.4%

How to invest in bonds: Through an online broker like eToro.

4. Dividend Stocks

Dividend stocks offer a dual benefit as a compound interest investment: Firstly, they provide regular dividends that can be reinvested to purchase more shares, triggering a compounding effect over time.

Secondly, the potential for the underlying stock price to appreciate offers an additional avenue for wealth accumulation. These stocks are typically issued by established companies with a history of generating profits, providing a measure of stability.

Moreover, a well-chosen dividend stock can be a source of passive income, as dividends continue to be paid regardless of market conditions.

Good For: This approach is ideal for investors who are comfortable with stock market risk and have a long-term investing horizon.

Minimum Investment: 1 share

How to Invest in Dividend Stocks:

  • Traditional Brokerages
  • Discount Brokerages

5. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

REITs are companies that own, operate or finance income-generating real estate. They offer a way to invest in real estate without having to own property. REITs are a great compound interest investment because they offer consistent, stable dividends.

Good For: REITs are good for those looking to diversify their investment portfolio and include real estate, without the need to manage the properties themselves.

Minimum Investment: $10

Average Yield: 3.50%, depending on the REIT

How to invest in REITs:

  • Publicly traded REITs
  • Real estate crowdfunding

6. Money Market Accounts (MMAs)

Money market accounts (MMAs) are savings accounts that typically require a higher minimum balance than regular savings accounts but pay a higher interest rate, making them a great compound interest investment. However, these accounts often limit the number of transactions you can make each month.

Good For: If you need a mix of decent yields but with more access to your funds than a Certificate of Deposit (CD) would allow, then a money market account may be a good option.

Minimum Investment: $1,000. However, the minimum investment varies by institution; some have no minimum investment, while others can go as high as $10,000.

Average Yield: 4% – 5%

How to Invest:

  • Online banks: Ally and Marcus by Goldman Sachs
  • Credit Unions: ( usually have more competitive interest rates)
  • Brokerage Firms: Charles Schwab or Fidelity. This can be helpful if you want to keep your cash and investment accounts in the same place.

PRO TIP: Before opening a money market account, ensure that the institution is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) so that your investment is protected up to the maximum amount allowed by law.

Tips to Maximize Compound Interest Investments

Unleash the power of your pennies with consistent and diversified investing, letting the magic of compounding interest sculpt your wealth mountain. Remember, avoid withdrawals and reinvest your earnings to make your money work harder. Stay patient – investing is not a sprint, but a marathon, where the biggest rewards come to those who endure.

Investing Consistency

Regular and consistent investments can lead to larger returns over time due to the power of compound interest.

Even if you start with small investments, consistent monthly or yearly contributions can build up to a significant amount over time. This is due to the exponential growth nature of compound interest. Therefore, consistency is key when it comes to investing.


Diversification helps to spread your risk across various assets or investments. When you have a diversified portfolio, you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket. So, if one investment doesn’t perform as expected, others might be performing better and compensate for that. This decreases your overall risk and can potentially improve your returns, maximizing the benefit from compound interest in the long run.

Avoiding Withdrawal of Earnings

Withdrawing the earnings or the interest can slow down the compounding process. The power of compound interest comes from the reinvestment of earned interest. By leaving your interest earnings in the investment, they will, in turn earn their own interest, and this cycle continues. Thus, to maximize your returns, it’s recommended to avoid withdrawing your earnings as much as possible.

Reinvesting Interest Earned

As stated above, reinvesting the interest earned is key to maximizing compound interest. This allows the interest you earn to also earn interest, creating a snowball effect that can significantly increase your total return over time. Reinvesting isn’t limited to just interest, dividends or capital gains can also be reinvested depending on the type of investment.

Patient Investing

Patience is another crucial element of investing.

The true power of compound interest is observed over long time periods. The longer the money is invested, the more time it has to grow and compound. It’s important to understand that investing is a long-term game. Trying to make quick profits can be risky and might not yield the best results in the long run. Instead, patient investing allows compound interest to work in your favor over time.

Risks and Considerations

While compound interest can turbocharge your investments, don’t forget it also supercharges debts and requires a long-term commitment.

Know your risk threshold and stay cool when market waves crash, because investing is not for the faint-hearted. And remember, if your returns don’t outrun inflation, your purchasing power might just be running on a treadmill.

The potential downsides of compound interest

While compound interest can boost your earnings over time, it can also work against you in the context of debts and loans.

Interest on debts also compounds over time, meaning the longer it takes to pay off a debt, the more you’ll owe. Also, investments that offer compound interest often require a long-term commitment, which might not suit everyone’s financial needs or circumstances.

Understand Your Risk Tolerance

Investing always involves a certain degree of risk. Understanding your personal risk tolerance – how much financial loss you are willing to withstand – is crucial. If an investment aligns with higher potential returns but also higher risks (and thus, higher stress), it might not be the right choice for you. Always balance the potential gains from compound interest with the level of risk you’re comfortable with.

The Effects of Inflation

Inflation can eat into the returns from your investments. If the inflation rate is higher than the rate of return on your investment, your purchasing power can decrease over time, even if the nominal value of your investment grows. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider investments that have the potential to outpace inflation to truly reap the benefits of compound interest.

Dealing with Market Volatility

Market volatility is part and parcel of investing. The value of your investments can go up or down due to various factors, including economic indicators, geopolitical events, and changes in industry trends. During such volatile times, the value of your investments might decrease. However, as a long-term investor aiming to maximize compound interest, it’s important not to panic and sell your investments during a downturn, but rather see this as part of the journey and stick to your long-term plan.

The Bottom Line

Compound interest investments are a powerful tool to grow wealth over time because they capitalize on the principle of “earning interest on interest”. The longer the time frame, the greater the potential return due to this exponential growth. A small initial investment can amass substantial profits given enough time and a decent interest rate. The key is consistent investment and patience.

Adam Koprucki

Expertise: Fixed-income investing, Macroeconomics, Personal Finance, Derivatives, Options, Index Funds

Professional Experience: J.P. Morgan, Deloitte Consulting, Societe Generale, The Vanguard Group

Education: Loyola University: Bachelor of Business Administration, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Certificate in Capital Markets

Adam Koprucki is the founder of Real World Investor, an investing website dedicated to reviewing the newest and latest investing tools and providing unique market insights for beginner to intermediate investors.

Before starting Real World Investor, he spent over a decade working at some of the world's largest investment banks and investment managers, such as Citibank, J.P. Morgan, Societe Generale, Deloitte, and The Vanguard Group.

His experience includes working with complex financial products such as exotic interest rate derivatives, structured products, and structured credit.

A dedicated and enthusiastic investor, he is passionate about macroeconomics and options trading. His investing insights have been published on Investopedia, Yahoo Finance, Seeking Alpha, GoBankingRates, Nasdaq, and Bigger Pockets.

He is also a contributing author at Equities.com.